Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We spent the weekend before Thanksgiving at my parents house while frank enjoyed a guys trip to Chicago.
This place is my retreat, my getaway, my calm place... it is such a comfort to go there and watch my kids enjoy being out in the open.  I hope they make memories here, grow up together with cousins here, learn how to ride horses, drive jeeps and stickshifts, dig for arrowheads, jump in bails of cotton, bake yaya's biscuits and chocolate pie and most of all learn how to enjoy an easier pace of life while here.
I hope everyone has a retreat...

feeding the ducks...

I would be scared to know what they are talking about!

Ford is the sweetest of all my babies! Such a happy and gentle little spirit!

I hope I never forget how sweet his tiny, little, fat feet are!

Mary Elliott and my dad walking into church.... melts my little heart.

I am very very thankful
Happy November.