Saturday, June 2, 2012

Awards Day!

Although we have dearly loved our 2011-2012 school year and teachers I will say we were all ready to see summer come and get some much needed R&R!  We finished up the last day with two awards ceremonies across town about 30 minutes apart. A good chaotic day to end the year!
Allie got the Carefulness award (for the 2nd yr in a row), an Art award and a Reading award.
I'm very proud of this careful little artist who likes to read! 
Thanks Mrs. Vaughn and the pony class for a fabulous year!!

Mary Elliott had a great first year at TCPS in the cow class and got to finish up her year with her awards party at the mall!  She got the 'meekness' award for always being compliant and kind when things don't go her way.  We aren't really sure how well her teacher got to know her this year!!

Thanks Ms. Wanda for loving on this free spirited little girl!!!