Saturday, June 2, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Ford

I would say that I'm not really sure where the past year has gone, I know everyone thinks that of each child as another year passes.  But I'm pretty sure Frank would agree that this year has gone to sleepless nights, many bottles, lots of rocking, juggling older sisters, getting sisters to school everyday, lots of naps in carpool lines, lots of screaming in carpool lines, hating food, learning to love all food, moving houses, being the only boy on a street of 9 girls, getting 15 teeth in 8 months, eating teething tablets by the dozen, more sleepless nights, learning pee pie, learning bye bye mama and dada and way lots more that got lost in the herding of cats that is raising three kids.
We love you sweet boy, from the first time they said 'its a boy' and yes we are sure 'its a boy' and handed us all 5 lb 9 oz of your little 4 week early self.  You are the sweetest baby we've ever had and are always so happy! 
We can't wait to see where the next years take us!!

Our first family of 5 picture!

Mary McGuire made his smash cake and cupcakes.  Aren't they cute? The cupcakes remind me of papa smurfs house!

Birthday morning! His very first pancake!

Birthday night! His very first spaghetti meal.... he is the best eater ever!!

Happy Birthday Ford!!!!


DK Baria said...

Ginger, it is so much fun watching your kiddos grow up with Laura's boys. I know what you mean by that third child being so sweet. I guess they know they are at the bottom of the pile and will just have to adjust to all that goes on in the dynamic of three. Hard to believe Ford is 1. I remember him last year at the 4th of July party at the CC.